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Re: Chemical Residuals/ Wild Rose


OK...you know I agree with most of the sentiments on pesticides, herbicides 
etc. and do not use them but sometimes I feel overwhelmed.

For example on the farm I recently purchased there are a lot of areas that 
were not tended and allowed to return to native vegetation, bird seeded 
plants etc.

As a result I have loads of multi flora rose that will really cut you up as 
you try to get by in the woods. I also have areas of pasture where they grow 

I have tried cutting them down with loppers but there are sooooo many. Plus I 
don't really know if I'm not making the problem WORSE since newer, more 
tender growth quickly shoots up!  At least the smaller vines are not so 

One extension agent said the only way I'd get rid of them is by using Round 
UP or a systemic that you'd have to dab on if you only wanted to treat that 
particular plant. He said he'd spray the entire area, kill everything and 
start over.

Naturally I'm niot crazy about that idea!

Love to hear your replies. Frank