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Re: Advertise in The Permaculture Activist

On Mon, 20 Nov 2000 19:11:57 -0500, Keith Johnson
<keithdj@mindspring.com> wrote:

How about advertising this permaculture mailing list?

See the FAQ for info and/or solicit input about the list from
fellow subscribers.

Thanks in advance!


>Unabashed self-promotion follows. I promise to do this only once per
>> Permaculture Activist
>> Information for Our Advertisers
>> PO Box 1209, Black Mountain, NC 28711
>> 828-669-6336, fax 669-5068
>> E-mail: pcactiv@metalab.unc.edu
>> Website: http://www.permacultureactivist.net
>> *All
>> advertising
>> is
>> accepted
>> subject
>> to the
>> editor's
>> approval
>> upon
>> determination
>> that
>> the
>> products
>> and
>> services
>> are in
>> keeping
>> with
>> the
>> spirit
>> of the
>> Permaculture
>> Activist.
>> *Advertisers
>> assume
>> responsibility
>> for
>> all
>> contents
>> (text
>> and
>> illustrations)
>> of
>> advertisement
>> printed.
>> The
>> publisher
>> is not
>> responsible
>> for
>> errors
>> in key
>> numbers.
>> *Inside
>> Back Cover - add 35% (2/3 page or less only).
>> *Black and white ads only (except for, possibly, inside covers. Talk
>> to us about it.).
>> *Camera ready copy preferred; all layout work will be billed at $30/hr
>> + materials.
>> *Invoices due within 30 days.
>> *If not otherwise indicated, mats, art work, etc. received will be
>> destroyed after 60 days.
>> *Printed on recyclednewsprint.
>> *Columns to a page: 2 or 3.
>> *Column height: 9.25"
>> *Column width: 3.375" or2.25"
>                    CLASSIFIED ADS:
>                   40 CENTS PER WORD
>                     ($8.00 MINIMUM)

Lawrence F. London, Jr. 