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Re: Keyline Books in the USA

On Tue, 14 Nov 00 10:39:18 -0700, rick valley <bamboogrove@cmug.com>

>>"The Challenge of Landscape" by PA Yeomans was available not long back as a
>bound xerox copy from Franklin Espriella in Guindo, CA; I think it was an
>above-board by permission deal, and as I unpack my office I'll find the
>address and post it.

>I agree that it is the richest of the bunch; PA's 

> "scale of permanence in the landscape" 

I really like the ring of that phrase.

>has been a crucially valueable concept for my design work.

Do you do landscape design/contracting or the same
with influences from permaculture or strictly permaculture design?

Lawrence F. London, Jr. 