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Re: From Naomi - contacts in Peru

Marsha Here again..At the Latinamerican Congress  in Argentina there was a wonderful Peruvian woman who works in community projects ( in Cuzco and near Lima) through the university in Lima.  She is very active ( was even candidate for    the Green Party), although still quite young -- perhaps in her early thirties...

Her name is Veronica Viņa.  She was wanting to take me there to  do consultancy in these projects, so if you need an interpreter, I would be happy to fulfill this role.  But I think she speaks good English...

Good luck on the project...


(I just realized that I donīt have Veronicaīs e-mail-- just changed computers.  Will get it from a colleague and send it to you...)


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Naomi & Rick Coleman 
  To: permaculture 
  Sent: Friday, August 25, 2000 6:27 AM
  Subject: From Naomi - contacts in Peru

    Hi all, 
    We are looking for contacts in Peru who may be interested in linking in with a possible development project to be undertaken in Peru with an Aid organisation here. We may also require permaculture trained interpreters (English to Spanish).

    Its all in the planning and submission stage at the moment but please let us know of any projects happening in Peru and activists who we can network with.
    Naomi Coleman
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