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Re: Re: GE imperialism and history

Warning soon there will be no organic food in the USA.

the thing is that a lot of folks will be mad and call names when they find
out that the USDA and the NOP have given away our heritage. when they hear
that whole states may not be able to call their food natural or organic
anymore .  and the USDa  is not keeping organic organic as the people wanted
and asked for. they have a mandate from the People to keep organic organic
and keep trans GMOs out of organic food. . the USDA sets the standard  .
they have not given organic growers any protection against drift  and now
there is TransGMO drift. and  this is worse than the killer bees. everything
it touches is contamanated.    .   they lay it on the organic grower to keep
his product organic yet they have no  chemical and GMO trespass laws to
protect the organic grower and they contaminate us at will.  If you get
drifted on the only thing the USDA and the organic certifiers and inspectors
will do is take your organicness away and you can not sell your crop as
organic and your crop is not organic anymore.  . they will not help u.
don't look for them to help u.  another grower hits the dust.  the only way
the USDA  can help keep organic organic is before the fact not after the
fact.  we need a good chemical and GMO trespass law or organic will no
longer be organic any where in the US.  From the time the USDA took over the
word organic they have been releasing trans genetically engineered life
forms .  taking genes from anywhere in the gene pool and engineering our
food and forcing us to eat it and be contaminated by  it .they have seeded
many many acres with corn and beans with a insecticide they put right in the
DNA so the whole plant is the insecticide from the roots to the pollen.
they are   changing the DNA of living things.  it is like the killer bees
the TransGMOs can not be controlled.  every where the trans TransGMOs
pollen lands it is contaminating  with these new transgmos.  if it lands on
corn it is even worse that seed becomes a trans GMO and will carry this new
DNA.  you can not wash this insecticide off the corn it is in the DNA so
there will be no organic corn.  it also falls on every thing else so
anything tested for trans GMOs will not pass the NON GMO test.  these GMO
have so contaminated the US that the USDA is thinking of calling % trans
genetic engineered food NON GMOs .  this is what they give the all those
folks that said no to GMOs.  There are at times clouds of GMO corn and bean
pollen filling the air in many states now, and making organic growing
imposable. a big cloud of pollen with in insecticide in the DNA landing on
every thing around .   already many states that grow corn  and beans if
there produce is tested for TransGMOs will NOT PASS the non GMO test.
while corn is filling the air with its insecticide GMO DNA  will not pass
the test and whole areas of the US can no longer be organic or sell there
crop as organic.  .  they have a test that will show Trans GMO and most food
grown organic from those corn and bean growing states will loose there
organicness.  the organic customer does not want GMOs or Monsanto
engineering their food with these new DNA  abominations.  there is no
chemical or TransGMO trespass laws.  the EPA is going to take a look at
these GMO corn and beans.  the EPA to me is a clean up team.  they go to
places and clean up after the Chemical and GMO trespass.  Example  a well
know herbicide company has to get rid of some toxic stuff so they dump it in
a mine shaft and soon all the folks around the mine start dying and the EPA
comes in and for years they try to clean up the dioxins this company dumps.
that's the EPA they clean up the chemical trespass  after the fact. EPA they
are the clean up after the fact team.  when they say they are bring in the
EPA i know its already too late.  now they are on the GMO clean up  and it
is already too late .  clouds of GMOs falling everywhere and the people have
not given their consent to be white mice.  The USDA ask if folks wanted
Trans GMos to be part of organic food and they  the people said NO.  the
USDA must now give us Chemical and GMO trespass laws to keep organic
organic.  until they do that no certifier no inspector and no grower should
signup to be USDA organic.  we need organic chemical and GMO trespass laws
to keep organic organic.   if they can not give us that the USDA has killed
off organic growers ,has killed off organic food in the US. and many other
places on earth.  the are releasing things harder to control than the Killer
bees. .  Just say NO to the NOP and the USDA organic standard if it does not
have chemical and GMO trespass laws. Just say no to 1% TransGenetically
Engineered is the same as NO GMOs.   Keep organic organic.  The USDA is not
protecting us from Trans GMOS like the rest of the world is protecting their
people.    we need chemical and GMO trespass laws and what the USDA  is
giving us is not good enough to save natural food and soon it will all be
engineered with mixed up DNa.

check out an organic farmers homepage
----- Original Message -----
From: "sal" <sals@rain.org>
To: "Sustainable Agriculture Network Discussion Group"
Sent: Friday, August 11, 2000 6:24 PM
Subject: Re: Re: GE imperialism and history

> it is worse than the killer bees.
> Greece to Pull Up Genetically Modified Cotton
> ATHENS, Greece, August 11, 2000 (ENS) - Greek agriculture minister Giorgos
> Anomeritis has ordered the destruction of between 2,000 and 4,000 hectares
> (4,942 and 9,884 acres) of cotton found to be contaminated with
> modified material.
> Following a series of discoveries of oilseed rape and maize (corn)
> contaminated with genetically modified seeds in several European countries
> earlier this year, this is the first time that a government has moved to
> destroy such a large planted area.
> No timetable for the destruction was announced, and a final decision on
> area to be affected depends on what level of contamination the ministry
> deems acceptable.
> Greek Agriculture Minister Giorgos Anomeritis (Photo courtesy government
> Greece)
> Anomeritis said that the cost of destruction and compensation had been
> estimated at GDr1.2bn ($US3.3 million).
> On Tuesday, Greece's deputy environment minister called on seed companies
> foot the bill.
> Agriculture ministry testing of imported cotton seed found 77 contaminated
> lots, representing 847 tons of seed.