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Re: Fw: GMO's and property rights

On Fri, 4 Aug 2000 13:19:28 -0700, "sal" <sals@rain.org> wrote:

>the is no more organic in corn growing states because a one time of the year
>the air is full of GMO pollen and your  organic food and Bd food will test
>positive for GMOs.US   farmers can contaminate at will.  they can spray you
>drift on you and contaminate your water and you can do nothing.  its the
>law.  organic forgetaboutit. BD forgetaboutit  in the US soon there will
>only be GMO food  and very little organic or Bd anything.  its the law the

>contaminators skate and those trying to do good eat it.  the Dream is over
>in the US of A.

Keep on trucking .... and growing organic. The dream is not over at my
place, it it only beginning to be realized. I will defend it to the
end .....and the rights of the 3000 White farmers in Zimbabwe to keep
their farms in the face of their nation's "leader" claiming he will
confiscate their land and farms (Monsanto's probably waiting for him
to implement that plan then move in with GM crops, WB loans, IMF
funding, etc etc, ad nauseum; next step mass starvation in Zimbabwe).

>check out an organic farmers homepage