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Re: Permaculture Logo Copyright

Darren wrote:
> clearly if anyone has any further issues with the use of the word
> Permaculture; what the status of the the Permaculture curriculum is etc.
> then they should contact the Permaculture Institute on the following
> address:

Darren, from your discussion with Bill, can you add any clarification to
the recent questions that have come up?

If not, or not all of them, then I would suggest, as Toby has also
brilliantly suggested, that we get this cleared up once and for all.
Aren't we tired yet of all this back and forth -- and then three months
later going through it again??

Can we, as a group of reasonably intelligent people, list the questions we
have, combine them into one complete list, then send them to Bill for
comment and clarification.  Once that is done, I imagine the field of
discussion would narrow considerably, and we would at least know exactly
where Bill stands on these questions.  The next step would be to follow up
/ check out any answers that don't fit with people's understandings of
copyright and trademark law.  The ethical issues could also get a once
over, though that may not get clear and tidy as we might hope.

Rather than throwing out comments and speculation, opinion and guesses, why
don't we work together to get this much more clear.  I'll even start the
list of questions:

-What rights do PcD graduates have that non graduates do not?

-Who can teach Pc?

-Who can use the word "Permaculture"?  And what does it mean, cover and

-How strictly must the curriculum, as outlined in the Designer's Manual, be

-When is it okay to use the Pc Egg logo? Other illustration? Quotes?

-When and for what is it necessary to get Bill's permission?

Please copy the questions above, add your own, and post it back to the list.

In the interests of getting on to other things,

Eric Storm