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Re: Logo symbolism

Russ Grayson wrote:
>There is a notion here that the logo can be used by permaculture 
community associations but that the commercial use of the logo (only
available to those having completed a PDC) costs.

Scott Pittman wrote:
>This is a misguided notion as I discovered from Bill. Everyone has to 
have written permission from Bill or the PC Institute in Australia,
there are no exceptions as far as I know.<
>> The symbolism is explained on page xi of the designers manual.  
This logo is a registered trademark of the Permaculture Institute  of 
Australia and Bill Mollison and can only be reproduced with permission
of those 

Does "misguided notion" indicate a lack of clarity from those who
attempt to guide/control permaculture, or from those who have not been
adequately apprised by them of their rights as permaculturalists? What
if it's a different color snake, or the other elements of the symbol
are slightly changed? What happens if someone does use the logo without
written permission?

What is the "earth care" intention of this approach?

I ask these questions because, as a relatively new permaculturalist,
I've encountered widespread confusion about the most basic
organizational issues. I'm wondering who can provide definitive
clarity, so that young permaculturalists like me are not misguided in
our good-faith efforts. Is there an easily researchable "Rules and
Regulations" about what permaculturalists are permitted to do, or
should we simply do whatever we want and assume someone will notify us
if they have a problem with it? 


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