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Re: convergence conversation

> Now, if everyone walked or biked to the convergence...carrying placards
> banners and literature to sell along the way... ;-)
> John Schinnerer

For our Latinamerican Congress here in Bahia next year, I  hope to crank up
a sort of  motorized  convergence, with busses coming from the four corners,
picking up people on the way, stopping off at towns and villages to show
videos and talk to people, and basically otimize the transport as an
educational tool the best we can-- and bring down the expense for the
participants at the same time... (As they would receive  dormitories, food,
and gasoline in return for their presentations...)Much more efficient than
each trying to get here on his/her own, and more fun too... (Greatly
inspired by our unforgettable PC bus tour through Scandinavia  when the
International Convergence was in Denmark...)
