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Re: Guerillas=bad press

The virtual worlds within permaculture will eventually have to deal with the 
knowledge engineering domain... so her's some food for thought:


                         A Workshop at the
   14th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2000)


Today's envisioned  applications of  intelligent systems in general
  and  multi-agent  systems  in particular confront  researchers  and
  developers with the difficulty of finding the right balance between
  reactive and socially deliberative behavior.  Reactive  systems are
  capable of adapting  very quickly to  unforeseen changes in the en-
  vironment and are hence said to  be  more robust and efficient.  On
  the other hand, they usually lack the necessary overview to produce
  behavior that can  compete with the results of  in-depth  reasoning
  techniques.  In  contrary  to  that,  socially deliberative systems
  allow  for  exploiting  environmental information and  coordination
  mechanisms to build up  through-thought  individual and even  team-
  oriented  strategies.  Though  their  problem-solving  results  are
  usually much better than in reactive systems,  deliberative systems
  are much more susceptible to  dynamic  environments  and often lack
  the potential for real-time computation.

From: "Verne L. Chinampas" <moistearth@yahoo.com>
Reply-To: "permaculture" <permaculture@franklin.oit.unc.edu>
To: "permaculture" <permaculture@franklin.oit.unc.edu>
Subject: Guerillas=bad press
Date: Tue, 2 May 2000 09:52:47 -0700 (PDT)

Thich Nat Hanh, the notable Buddhist teacher indicates that to have
peace, we must be peace.

Those who have declared "war" in order to create gardens are seriously
misguided. Britain is one of the most garden-loving nations on earth,
but the guerrilla gardeners have managed to look spiteful and
disrespectful toward a national hero on a traditional day for loving

Sure, I don't know the whole story in London, but if the clipping found
below is any indication, perhaps the guerillas need either a better
media director, or a more harmonious/effective way to achieve their
honorable goals.


Monday May 1 8:19 PM ET

Protests, Scattered Violence Mark May Day

BERLIN (Reuters) - The world marked May Day with demonstrations and
scattered violence on Monday.Demonstrations turned violent in several
parts of Europe and hundreds of protesters took to the streets in U.S.
financial centers.

Leftists briefly clashed with hundreds of neo-Nazis in Berlin and later
fought pitched battles with police. About 50 people were injured in
separate clashes in the port city of Hamburg.

Masked demonstrators fought riot police in London as an anti-capitalist
demonstration degenerated into what British Prime Minister Tony Blair
called ``mindless thuggery.''

Churchill Statue Defaced

Parliament Square was sealed off after the grass in the center was
ripped up and laid across the road by eco-activists staging what they
called a ``guerrilla gardening'' protest. A statue of wartime leader
Winston Churchill was defaced, with a layer of green grass sod laid
over his head, punk-style.

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