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Re: permaculture digest: May 01, 2000

--- permaculture digest
<permaculture@franklin.oit.unc.edu> wrote:
> permaculture Digest for Monday, May 01, 2000.
> 1. Garden Cities
> 2. Re: sanet-mg-digest V1 #1760
> Subject: Garden Cities
> From: "Emily A. Noble" <guinep@theriver.com>
> Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2000 23:24:19 -0700
> X-Message-Number: 1
> Cities used to pride themselves in being called
> "Garden Cities".........the
> latest issue of ORION AFIELD has article on Berkeley
> tearing up asphalt to
> plant gardens.  TERRAIN: a publication of Berkeley's
> Ecology Center, Spring
> 2000...... www.ecologycenter.org      may have
> something on such a movement.
>  The Spring issue has article "The Native Garden" by
> Dennis
> Martinez....."The knowledge of indigenous farming
> traditions can nourish us
> all."  "At the time of Columbus' voyages, when
> Indians were using 2,000
> different foods derived from pants and more from a
> wide variety of animals,
> they enjoyed exceptional overall health.  In fact,
> researchers have found
> that meat-eating herdsman-hunter-gatherer-fisher
> peoples have been typically
> healthier and better off nutritionally than
> agriculturists.  Growing up on a
> San Joaquin Valley ranch, I remember relatives still
> doing hard physical
> work all day long well into their 70s and 80s, 
> Subsistence hunting and
> fishing supplemented our home-grown produce, which I
> suppose could be called
> "organic"--except for the crop dusters over our
> neighbors' fields--because
> we couldn't afford pesticides and chemical
> fertilizers."
> Subject: Re: sanet-mg-digest V1 #1760
> From: "Lamb-Vines" <lambvines@odsy.net>
> Date: Mon, 1 May 2000 21:57:00 -0500
> X-Message-Number: 2
> I would have to say Alex is pretty silly. His stance
> on GMs especially.  So
> organic is added on value.  That one is new to me.
> Lamb-Vines
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: sal <sals@rain.org>
> To: permaculture <permaculture@franklin.oit.unc.edu>
> Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2000 7:41 AM
> Subject: Fw: sanet-mg-digest V1 #1760
> >
> > check out an organic farmers homepage
> > http://www.rain.org/~sals/my.html
> > sals@rain.,org
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: <kandmhfarm@sprintmail.com>
> > To: <sanet-mg@cals.ncsu.edu>
> > Sent: Friday, April 28, 2000 9:01 PM
> > Subject: Re: sanet-mg-digest V1 #1760
> >
> >
> > > Wonder if he feels the same way about pesticide
> drift in his backyard?
> > >
> > > FROM AgBioView website
> <http://agbioview.listbot.com/cgi-bin/>
> > > Date:  Apr 27 2000 16:07:40 EDT
> > > From: Alex Avery <aavery@rica.net>
> > > Subject: Re: On the Subject of Organic Foods and
> Seed Segragation
> > >
> > >  From: Alex Avery <aavery@rica.net>
> > >  Subject: Re: On the Subject of Organic Foods
> and Seed Segragation
> > >
> > >  IF the organic farmers/retailers expect to sell
> a value-added product,
> > > then
> > >  they, not anyone else, is responsible for all
> of the necessary costs of
> > >  producing and marketing the value-added
> product.
  As this is pretty much my first time responding to
something in this forum I hope I'm doing it right but
this sort of gets me a bit incensed...
Organic produce is not a 'value-added' product.  It is
the birthright of every man woman and child to eat
food that has been grown in accordance with nature.  I
nor anyone I know wishes to be a guinea pig for the
multinationals which are attempting to control the

So they are
> responsible
> > >  for the costs of segregation-identification. 
> If those costs soar
> beyond
> > >  any reasonable consumer willingess to pay, so
> be it.
> > >
> > >  To impose on the rest of agriculture the
> liability for the organic
> > > farmers
> > >  silly preferences and loss of value added
> return is ridiculous.
There is no 'agriculture' beyond organic agriculture,
everything else is agri-business.  This doesn't mean
that farming is not a business, it is, only that the
quality and pricing of food has been artificially
lowered so that the populace is fooled into believing
that the 'agricultural revolution' was a
success...which it was not.  It seems to have been a
byproduct of the era it was instigated in.  An era
fixated on 'easy' solutions to complicated questions. 
Questions like "how do we feed too many people?" and
"how do we feed a mass of people who are not producing
anything usefull?"
> > >  organic industry is demanding the right to sue
> other farmers if their
> > >  harvests are "contaminated" with biotech pollen
> and thus destroys their
> > >  "organic" crop.  This is a backdoor imposition
> of organic standards on
> > > the
> > >  rest of the farm community and it is absurd.
I guess we'll see whether or not it is an 'imposition'
or not that these things are fought.  You of all
people 'Monsieur Directeur' should be aware that the
biotech industry is on the decline in Europe and that
N. America isn't to far behind.  Here in Canada great
steps are being implemented in abating the guinea
pigging of the populace with untested, untried and
potentially harmful GMO's.  Please sir, think about
your children next time you offer up such glib
statements about an industry you of all people should
be intune with.  There is no future if it is not
In Lake'ch
> > >  Alex A. Avery
> > >  Director of Research and Education
> > >  Center for Global Food Issues
> > >  Hudson Institute
> > >  P.O. Box 202
> > >  Churchville, VA 24421
> > >  (540) 337-6354
> > >  fax: (540) 337-8593
> > >  email: aavery@rica.net
> > >
> > >
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> > > To Subscribe to Digest: Email
> majordomo@ces.ncsu.edu with the command
> > > "subscribe sanet-mg-digest".
> > >
> > > All messages to sanet-mg are archived at:
> > > http://www.sare.org/san/htdocs/hypermail
> >
> >
> > ---
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