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Re: Fw: sanet-mg-digest V1 #1760

Hi Sal:

Went and visited your webpage, very impressive!

Just a quick note, 'Alex' is obviously just envious of healthy, nutritious 
food, probably doesn't have the energy to grow his own, maybe he was just 
slighted as child... had to eat processed/pre-packaged meals.  In other 
words, I just find his statements to be hateful and wouldn't waste too much 
energy on the comments he's made.  I don't believe many reasonable 
individuals would take his statements to heart without having pity upon his 

But I do understand your growing impatience and intolerance of the 
"organic standards and certification".  It is hard for us to believe that 
sometimes there are dishonest people out there, but, how will we know who 
is who without the 'stamp of approval'.  And, of course, if we want it, 
we'll have to pay for it, nobody else will.  Possibly in the near future 
some of the organic lobbyists can come up with a better plan of action to 
bring down the costs and all of the seemingly cross-over testing, etc.  Too 
many people involved.

Dependant upon who your customers are, do you really need the organic stamp 
at this time?  I purchase quite a bit of organic product from others that I 
know and trust.  They haven't been certified and don't care to be certified 
at any time in the future.  Instead of using the 'organic' label, they 
simply label their product as 'non-irradiated/no-chemicals 
added/all-natural'.  Could you possibly use the same terminology to forgo 
the cost of the organic certification process until 'somebody' can get a 
'single-source' together for the purpose of certifying at a reasonable 
