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Re: (fwd) Re: NC law being proposed to make non-mowing of lawnsillegal; comments on demos in DC

Oh, I wish you were kidding about that!   Please tell me it's a hoax....or
some extremely silly city's local ordinance!!!!!!!!!!!!
>From: "Lawrence F. London, Jr." <lflondon@mindspring.com>
>To: "permaculture" <permaculture@franklin.oit.unc.edu>
>Subject: (fwd) Re: NC law being proposed to make non-mowing of lawns
illegal; comments on demos in DC
>Date: Thu, Apr 20, 2000, 8:42 AM

>On Thu, 20 Apr 2000 10:54:13, in agriculture-activist "Ava Devenport"
><essenheal@iname.com> wrote:
>In Indiana, it is already against the law not to mow your lawn.  You
>only get fined, but the county comes in, mows everything down to 
>practically dirt, then attaches a bill to your water and sewer, if you
>a well and septic, the bill is attached to your property taxes.
>way, if you don't pay, they take your property!
>A friend of mine who lives on the very edge of the city limits planted
>yard in medicinal herbs, as she is an herbalist.  She even put birms
>everything.  Still, code enforcement came in, threatened her with
>fines and 
>loss of property.  She walked him through the paths, named each plant
>identified the plants use, made no difference.  They destroyed her
>as she refused to remove the plants.
>Indiana once had many beautiful 'cottage gardens', they're all gone
>now due 
>to this law.  What a terrible shame we've decided beauty and necessity
>be replaced with lawns of grass that actually have no beneficial use
>society.  It's no wonder we're losing wildlife, they have nowhere to
>nothing to eat or protect them.
>We have so much carbon monoxide in our atmosphere due to the fact that
>'lungs of our earth' are being replaced with concrete and 'grass'.
>The air 
>is already becoming toxic, as is the water.  Soon we'll just have a
>planet with no survivors.
>I'll keep planting and feeding what I can, and try to get my
>family and community to do the same.  I hope I can make at least a
>contribution to the future.
>Lawrence F. London, Jr. Venaura Farm ICQ#27930345
>lflondon@mindspring.com  london@metalab.unc.edu
>metalab.unc.edu/intergarden InterGarden
>metalab.unc.edu/permaculture PermaSphere
>metalab.unc.edu/intergarden/orgfarm AGINFO
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