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Re: relevance

Dear Akiva

If you are one of the 'keepers' of the list, perhaps it would be useful to
send out a reminder/clarifyer of the purpose of the list, and to ask people
to generally respond to sender, not the list. Otherwise, it does not seem
to me a useful international link -- but simply clogs up my in-try with a
mass of irrelevancies. Perhaps tolerable to those with hours to spend
playing with hi-tech -- but not if e-mail is to be a useful quick
communication tool competing for scarce time.

Not wasting others' time is, to my mind, a fundamental of 'peoplecare'
resource management. There are a lot of hard issues to proper peoplecare --
particularly when poverty and urban pressures are in the frame. Being nice
is, I agree, important -- but not the whole story. Being assertive about
what is creating annoyance is also important -- conflicts need to be
brought into the open to be resolved.

Sure, I can simply drop out of this list if I don't agree with other
participants about what it is for. I'd like some discussion so I can see if
I'm in a minority -- or whether others would also like more focused
international information and less chatter.



At 13:16 14/04/00 GMT, you wrote:
>>From: Judith Hanna <jehanna@gn.apc.org>
>>After all the irrelevant chit-chat on this list, at last something of
>>permacultural value! Thank you, Ava.
>If you'll notice, this post offers no useful info, simply a slight to all 
>the active people on the list and a thank you which could have been sent to 
>the one person you've thanked. So you've written irrelevant chit-chat, one 
>of the few posts to this list that fits the description.
>It's all relevent if you're willing to observe, so please, try to be 
>courteous in the process.
>For those who like to complain and flame, there's a separate list at 
>permakvetching@franklin.oit.edu  ;~)
>Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
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Judith Hanna
15 Jansons Rd, Tottenham, London N15 4JU