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[Fwd: [Fwd: Information Request]]

> Subject: Information Request
> Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 15:49:02 -0600
> From: "Tom Levar" <tlevar@nrri.umn.edu>
> To: pcactivist@mindspring.com
> Good afternoon.
> We are developing techniques for propagating clones of Populus spp. and intend to apply these practices to other woody genera. I am interested the techniques used on traditionally hard-to-root orchard species (wide variety of fruits, nuts, grapes, etc) and how to obtain cuttings of these materials. Our goal is develop techniques which would be cost-effective on a commercial scale. For now, I am searching for sources of information for the propagation of hard-to-root, highly- valued woody materials.
> We are located at an institute affiliated with the University of Minnesota, Duluth. Our facilities include modern greenhouses and controlled environment chambers. We work closely and are funded (in part, cooperatively) by the forest products industry and nurseries.
> Can you provide me with further information or direct me to sources? Your assistance is appreciated.
> Tom Levar
> Natural Resources Research Institute
> University of Minnesota - Duluth
> 5012 Miller Trunk Highway
> Duluth, MN 55811
> P: 218.720.4333
> F: 218.720.4329
Card for Keith Johnson
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