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RE: Permaculture in the Tropics!!

  You're welcome to use the Global Permaculture Contacts and Resources
listing posted at The Permaculture Activist Site (since June 98)
(<http://metalab.unc.edu/pc-activist>). I am continuing to update it as
folks write me with changes, but I suspect there have been many changes of
which I am unaware. Perhaps we should compare lists to help each other make
the necessary changes and updates. Once you have your list posted, I will be
happy to point our visitors to your site and I hope vice versa.
  Anyone else reading this who is NOT listed as a Permaculture contact at
our site, please let me know who and where you are and what you're doing, so
I can update the list.
  Keith Johnson

  askpv wrote:

    Dear Marsha and anyone else interested in contributing,i would like more
information.I am trying to put together a start for a collection of names
andcontact numbers for a newinternational directory online, seeing as it has
been removed by PIJ.anyone who has time and computer to make the list can
take the project overand many people would benefit from their efforts.April
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