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Re: Feedback needed: a new list for a permaculture calendar & events announcements

On Tue, 18 Jan 2000, Toby and Carolyn Hemenway wrote:

> I think a list for events is useful, but with the caveats I describe in the
> 2nd paragraph. I'd want to keep non-calendar activity, including
> discussion, to a minimum. The Activist (meaning Peter Bane, Keith Johnson,
> and myself at this point) keeps a calendar that gets updated before every
> issue, and it's reasonably complete. That could be ported onto the list to
> cut down on multiple entries (tho the list calendar will probably soon
> become more current and we at the Activist may want to download it for each
> issue, if we may).

Since you're subscribed to the pc calendar list you'll get all the
updates. Unless the poster attaches copyright limitations on his
information (I'd think that highly unlikely) you'd be free to republish
using any format.
> My big question about posting Pc courses is: does it do much good to post
> them to an audience that, I suspect, has taken the design course or at
> least some intro workshops? Is that the best audience? I'd like  to post Pc

I would guess that the majority of subscribers here have never taken a PC
course, but I could be wrong. I never have and what I know is the result
of one workshop where I was introduced to PC, books & magazines and most
of all the Web, especially this list.

> events and courses on lists where the audience is Pc-naive but potentially
> interested, like sustainable ag groups. I've been trying to collect the
> addresses of these places, and would love to help put together a list of
> sites that would reach a new audience. I confess a slight reluctance to
> subscribe to a calendar since I probably wouldn't use 98% of the
> information, except to add it to the Activist calendar. I still think it's
> useful simply to see what others are doing, and for the chance to pass the
> info to others, but I don't think it will be an effective marketing tool.
> Or am I misjudging the number of subscribers whohaven't taken Pc courses?

The best two places on the Web are this list and the sanet-mg mailing
list, especially the latter. Other important forums to post to would
include the csa-l, perma-l and Envirolink permaculture lists, the
alt.sustainable.agriculture, alt.permaculture, rec.gardens.edible and
own.eco.permaculture newsgroups and miscellaneous other lists and
newsgroups. It is possible to really get out if you can find enough
forums to crosspost to.

As this and the calendar lists are archived and searchable anyone can
find any and all posts ever sent to either one. As I said before I plan to
set up a upload/download/view file area with attached webforum for
descriptions of files. This would be an uncluttered area where users can
quickly find chronological listings of comprehensive calendars covering
large or small time frames. I would suggest posting Activist calendars
there as well as to the calendar list and elsewhere. I could help Keith
set this up in the Activist website so you'll have this on home turf
instead of just in my pc page.


Lawrence F. London, Jr.  Venaura Farm
metalab.unc.edu/intergarden InterGarden
metalab.unc.edu/permaculture PermaSphere
lflondon@mindspring.com  london@metalab.unc.edu