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Re: Feedback needed: a new list for a permaculture calendar & events announcements

I prefer the longer "permaculture-calendar@franklin.oit.unc.edu" as a newsgroup name
focused on events rather that news.

"Lawrence F. London, Jr." wrote:

> It has been suggested that a mailing list (like this one that is
> accessable through email, the Web and as a newsgroup) is much needed
> to post calendars of permaculture events and for announcements of
> events by those sponsoring them. I think this is a good idea and
> am ready to start one for this purpose. If any of you have ideas
> or suggestions please post them here. An idea for a name is:
> permaculture-news@franklin.oit.unc.edu. A better
> name, perhaps, is permaculture-calendar@franklin.oit.unc.edu, which
> is very long but if you all prefer this and don't mind the extra typing
> I will call it that. Another question: should this new list be limited
> to events listing with approprate feedback or, if it is named
> permaculture-news, could/should it also contain news about the world of
> permaculture in addition to a calendar? A typical newsworthy post might
> be one describing a new permaculture curriculum offered by some college or
> university or how some city has embraced permaculture in designing
> and maintaining urban and suburban parkland or city landscaping. I would
> think that in this instance feedback and discussion should be carried on
> in this list keeping the other clear for news and events (with necessary
> feedback & questions) posts only.  What do you think?
> Personally, I am leaning toward permaculture-calendar and keeping news
> here in this list where followup discussion can occur.
> Lawrence
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