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RE:(Fwd) taro patches Palau (fwd)


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Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 22:31:53 -0500 (EST)
From: Renewable News Network <rnn@rnn.com>
Forwarded by:   	Anila.Shah@unep.org

>Do you have any information on rehabilitation of taro patches
>for island nations like Palau.
>seawater intrusion has caused many women to abandon their
>taro patches.. what can they do?

There are people doing restoration work on lo'i (wetland taro terraces), and
fish ponds, in the Hawaiian islands...some of them might have some useful
information.  I don't have any direct contacts for such projects, but you
might try asking Burt Lum (webmaster@kahoolawe.org) of the Protect
Kaho'olawe 'Ohana ( http://www.brouhaha.net/ohana/ ).  Also try Pualani
Kanahele at Hawai'i community college (puahele@hawaii.edu).

John Schinnerer