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Integrated Biosystems Conference

Another Integrated Biosystems conference with some interesting projects.

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From:	Jacky Foo, INTERNET:foo@swipnet.se
DATE:	11/18/99 6:01 AM

RE:	[ET-ANN] 2nd Call for Abstracts

Hello Everyone

The 1st Call for Abstracts for the Internet Conference on Material Flow
Analysis of Integrated Bio-Systems, March-Oct 2000 (see
http://www.ias.unu.edu/proceedings/icibs/ic-mfa for scope, conference theme
and other instructions) has received a good response so far; 10 abstracts
have been approved and the rest are in the review process. I enclose the
tentative list of the titles of papers which show the range of topics that
the scope of the Conference covers.

We are looking for another 20 abstract submissions and would like to invite
you to consider making a presentation of your work in one of the 11 themes
(see below). The deadline for the 2nd Call for Abstracts is 31 Dec. 1999.

An abstract should not be more than 1 page in size and may contain text,
table, diagrams. It should include the title of paper, full name(s) and
postal and email address(es) of author(s), abstract and keywords. Please
send your abstract(s) to foo@swipnet.se.   All submitted abstracts will be
reviewed by the Planning Group of the Conference. Authors should wait for
formal notification of  acceptance of the abstracts before proceeding into
the preparation of the full paper(s).

Registration to receive news and updates that is useful for your
participation at the Conference is free. You can view news items on the web
http://segate.sunet.se/archives/et-w11.html or receive them by email.  To
subscribe, use the LISTSERV subscription command : SUB ET-W11 yourfirstname
and send your subscription to listserv@segate.sunet.se

Mr. Eng-Leong "Jacky" Foo
Co-ordinator, Integrated Bio-Systems Network
Internet Conference on Material Flow Analysis of Integrated Bio-Systems
http://www.ias.unu.edu/proceedings/icibs/ic-mfa (updated)

Tentative List of Papers
(Internet Conference on Material Flow Analysis of Integrated Bio-Systems,
March-Oct 2000)

P1 - Kefa V O Rabah (Kenya) : Application of Sugarcane Residues as Biofuel
for Cogeneration of Electricity Kenya
P2 - H.Losada, et al. (Mexico): Recycling of solid wastes in the east of
Mexico City by livestock and agricultural production systems.
P3 - Simon Appleby & E.L. Foo (Indonesia/Sweden): Integrated bio-system for
a feedlot-abattoir-meat processing and research complex in Bali
P4 - Li Kangmin & Wang Qiuhua (P R China). Nutrient flow analysis in
digester fishpond IBS
P5 - Song Xiangfu, Ying Huodong, Wu Weiming, Jin Qianyu, Zou Guoyan and Li
Kangmin*. (P.R: China) Study on surface aquaponics in natural waters with
nutrient flow analysis
P6 - Christina Aristanti (Indonesia) : From wastes to employment and
environment improvement opportunities.
P7 - Amrit B. Karki and Upendra Gautam (Nepal): Community
Latrine-cum-biogas plant at Ward No. 1 of Pathari VDC of Morang District of
P8 - Julian David Chara & Elkin Dario Pulido (Colombia): Material flow in
"Pozo Verde" Integrated Farm in Cauca Valley Province, Colombia.
P9 - D. Craig Sheppard & G. Larry Newton (USA): Black Soldier Fly Larvae
Produce High Quality Feedstuff from Manure
P10 - Anna Hedlund (Sweden) : A theoretical integrated nutrient flow on a
farm with three sub-systems in a village in Southern Vietnam
P11 - Sudhira H.S. &  Ann Jacob (India): Reutilisation of byproducts of
coir industry :  A Case Study.
P12 - Paul Adler (USA) : Phytoremediation of aquaculture effluents with
lettuce and basil.
P13 - D K Saxena (India) : Metal Pollution in river Ra Ganga and its
recovery through aquatic plant
P14 - Jagannath Venkataramaih (India): Scales of Operations on Community
Based Solid Wastes Management in India
P15 - Jean-Pierre Bayala (Belgium) : Village-based integrated waste water
treatment system at Women's Association of Song Taaba, Burkina Faso.
P16 - Nguyen Van Trung (Vietnam) : Fertiliser value in biogas technology
systems in Vietnam
P17 - Mark J. Brotman (USA): Recovery and Utilization of By-Products from
Greenhouse Operations with respect to Recirculating Aquaculture, Hydroponic
and Mushroom Cultivation Systems

Scope of Conference
The central focus of the Internet Conference is on the analysis of material
flows in integrated bio-systems. The scope includes 11
 themes :

 1) Municipal Biodegradable Solid Recycling and Conversion Systems
 MFA of systems that includes recycling and conversion of biodegradables,
food scraps, yard trimmings and greens into bio-fuels,  organic fertiliser,
animal feed, biochemicals, etc. using biological sub-systems such as
anaerobic digestion, composting,  vermi-culture, etc.. New methods,
alternative natural systems for control or remediation to avoid the need
for landfills, conventional  wastewater plants, etc.

 2) Wastewater Treatment and Utilisation Systems
 MFA of systems using plants, microbes, algae, shellfish in wastewater
treatment and use of wastewaters in crop irrigation,  aquaculture,
wetlands, forests, etc. crop-aquaculture, livestock-aquaculture systems,
integrated aquaculture/polyculture systems,  etc..

 3) Integrated Aquaculture Systems
 MFA of aquatic food production systems such as integrated
aquaculture/polyculture systems, fish-shellfish-seaweed systems,
 aquaculture-terrestrial integrated bio-systems, silvifisheries, fish
ranching, etc.

 4) Small Scale Farming Systems
 MFA of household bio-systems with sub-systems like livestock, biogas
digesters, fish ponds, compost, vermicompost, vegetable  gardens and crops
plots, fruit trees, aquatic plants, etc.

 5) Large Plantations, Farms and Feedlots
 MFA of corporate and cooperative agricultural systems using of agro-crop
residues and livestock manure for production of feed,  food, fibre,
chemicals, energy, etc.

 6) Constructed Building Complex, greenhouse and Eco-house Systems
 MFA of bio-systems in/on buildings for waste water treatment, food
production, hydroponics, aquaponics; waste recycling or using  animals and
compost to heat greenhouses, etc.

 7) Industry and Eco-Industrial Parks
 MFA of bio-systems for cleaner production, industries and industrial parks
to utilise primary by-product wastes for biochemicals,  food and energy
production in co-operative implmentation of shared systems for
complementary recovery and use.

 8) Resource Utilization and Conservation in Sustainable Natural
 MFA of bio-systems for sustainable resource utilisation e.g. in
watersheds, reservoirs, lakes, river basins, community forests,  natural
parks, coral reefs, mangroves, etc..

 9) Small Islands, Community, Villages and Cities
 MFA of IBSs for sustainable living in human communities for urban ecology,
urban agriculture and environmental management;

 10) Global Issues related to Food Security, Environment and Climate Change
 e.g. regional studies (national, regional and global) where integrated
bio-systems are used to play crucial roles to sustain food  security, zero
wastes and zero wastewater discharge; and reduction of greenhouse gases.

 11) Tools and Methodology for Design and Analysis of Integrated
 e.g. softwares and methods for material flow analysis showing how it is
applied to an example(s) in an integrated bio-systems


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Reply-To: Jacky Foo <foo@swipnet.se>
Sender: Ecotechnology Announcements <ET-ANN@SEGATE.SUNET.SE>
From: Jacky Foo <foo@swipnet.se>
Subject:      [ET-ANN] 2nd Call for Abstracts