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RE: [Permaculture] "Forward" and "Back"/ Discussing Solutions

>>It seems to have the same
>>problems and root causes as the house mortgage and credit card overuse.  Or
>>another example I heard last night, "There might be 5000 square foot
>>environmentally friendly homes, but not 5000 square foot socially
>>responsible homes."  These kinds of "mistakes" come from shallow thinking.
>>We need to learn to be more deeply consistent and consistently deep.
>Ah-HO!  I'd say to stop questioning all that we do *and* how we do it is to
>go looking for trouble.  To rush is also to go looking for trouble.
>John Schinnerer
beyond the obvious of being deeply consistent (though I wonder if you are
consistently involved in destructive behaviour wouldn't deeply consistent be
a little much?) and consistently deep with your thought process and trying
to understand all of the repercussions of your acts could you then, perhaps,
move beyond the digging stick in an attempt to restore what has been destroyed?

I've just returned from a month in Africa where deserts are being created
systematically and shovel technology is just not an option if one wants to
begin the process of pushing the desert back.  It is very difficult for me
to go along with the school of minimalism in the face of starvation,
dessication, and loss of plant and animal life.

Of course! we have to be very careful and thoughtful. Of course! we need to
do small trials before engaging in vast experiments.  My point is that the
thinking, care, and trials have been done and now it is time to get off our
timorous butts and get to work. I hope this doesn't mean I am a "shallow
Scott Pittman

Permaculture Institute, USA
PO Box 3702, Pojoaque, NM 87501  US
phone 505.455.0270

Ingenio Patet Campus