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Re: Bill Mollison copyright statement

Skye writes:

 > Access to internet????? They have no money.

Well, you have access to the Internet and they have "access to
you". So they have access to the Internet. You also can better browse
through the Internet without being able to read, than with
newspapers. (there are browsers, which can talk or you can interpret
signs for navigation). On the other hand you admitted that they have
no access to newspapers. Do they have TV? If they do, they soon will
have the opportunities for their own Internet account, being able to
communicate with others of in the same language.

I hear many stories of people far away from civilization, who used the
Internet (sometimes over a network of people).

But we must see that:

- Some people do not NEED the Internet
- Some people do not WANT the Internet

... and that is Ok. Through you and the Internet I have heard more
directly about this natives than it would be over newspaper or TV. I
also had some interesting contacts to Cambodia, where I got some
insight over the growing Internet there (and also about the political

>  Even if my spanish was good enough to translate
 > it, 99% of what is written in this listservor would be utter giggerish
 > and their comprehension - although if we cared to listern they could
 > teach us a great deal.

It IS possible to translate all texts in the Internet to their
language and let the computer speak it. This is today. it does not
work too well today. But what newspaper could they read so comfortable
without being able to read?

 > Its fine for some of us to be connected into the global economy,
 > especially if we use it constructively. But don't get caught into
 > believing the corporate propaganda about a better world for all. The
 > rich are getting richer (and better connected) - the poor are still poor
 > - and getting more so.

I have seen some reports how intense the Zappatistas in Mexico are
using the Internet to propagate their ideas. There might be a
difference of how much and how fast people can and will use the
Internet. But it is a fact, that the possibility is there and that it
is more widespread than many of us think.

Last summer I got Emails from a friend from India. I never expected
that. But many cities there now have Internet-cafes. We should rethink
some viewpoints although you are right that there IS analphabetism
(very high in the USA for an industrial nation) and in "the south".

 > Stay connected, but also try to remember what the reality is in this

I know. I am very interested in this sector. I know that telephone
costs are many hundred percents higher for countries in the south,
that in the north. IŽd like to change that. IŽd like to see more
networking (information-transfer) from continent to continent, from
the people, not from organization.