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Re: Bill Mollison copyright statement

Just a thought from Reverend Fr. Kent Jared
                        You state that Permaculture maybe for the Elitist!
and the educated!!! Ha! do not to take the remark wrong. The point is I am
39 years old and not stating, to put a feather in my cap but to define that
education is not truly needed in the sense of academics. I just married a
uneducated lady from deep within the Amazon Rain Forest. To make clear that
she has no prior education in the eyes of our world (The western world
ideals). Yes she then migrated south to Sao Paulo to follow a dream made by
the (The western worlds ideals)  rumors planted deep in the society. It was
that the future is in the big city and working for the big foreign worlds
firms. Which was so placed fairly by the powers outside Brazil (hummm).
Since the politics and the people in Brazil are still in the growing phase
as per American standards! Well here is the close of my point. She can
unearth any form of food and medicine right in the Rain Forest and tell me
how to process the proper temperature of tea for the right cure. All the
simple chemistry functions and physical function are known to her and the
method in which she acquired the knowledge is as she states "Simply, I can
see the plants breath and mix  their pollens and with care I open my mind
and sole to them treating them as equals. Then view the moment clearly and
listen to the whole of ones self, it does show valid signs of connection
when channeled to an open opinion." So viewing Eliane as a non-educated
person can prove that, ones education is not a simple standard we all must
meet. But instead being the whole of ones being and not some boxed in bell
curve designed by what I call "Living in the American box" Which was made by
the mass of people that think they are whole enough to exclude certain
masses from the entity called earth. If we were to define education
correctly maybe we would not exclude a single element in the curve.  I am
regarded as a Doctor and have just short of 20 years of world travel and
even I am one of the "Box's" puppets, being a guru in the telecommunications
industry! Hence I am highly educated and did not see the reality of
permaculture until just the last few years. And Eliane being not educated is
able to see the reality of the earths permaculture here and now!

Take Care

Reverend Dr Kent Jared

-- Original Message -----
From: Skye <skye@tortuga.com>
To: permaculture <permaculture@franklin.oit.unc.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 1999 3:52 PM
Subject: Re: Bill Mollison copyright statement

> Hola a todos
> A few weeks ago I was working in the mountain area near Nevado Toluca
> (the major volcano in the State of Mexico, Mexico). One of the
> agronomists I was working with, told of how, a few years ago he had
> taken four of the campesinos from this area on an eductional tour/field
> trip. After crossing the state of Michoacan they eventually stopped at a
> beach on the Pacific Ocean. The four men stood on the beach for an hour,
> staring in amazement, mouths slightly open, arms hanging loose. After an
> hour of studying this amazing sight, they returned to Alejandro and
> quite seriously asked, "but what does it look like in the dry season?".
> Obviously the section of the standard sylabus on clasical landscapes,
> specifically the part on coral island atolls is not only irrelevant to
> these mountain people, but more so, is so totally outside their realm of
> experience that the very concept of an ocean island is incomprehensible.
> So, can I work with these people in the name of Permaculture or not?? I
> am certainly not about to waste their time with coral atoll
> strategies!!!!
> If not, then the previous comments about Pc being elitist are starting
> to sound very real. Can we only teach Pc to those with sufficient
> education, access to information (and maybe internet) and a wide
> experience of concepts????
> I have heard and read many Pc people claim Pc takes many of its
> concepts/inspiration from nature - has anyone ever noticed that nature
> changes and evolves???? Are we prepared to also grow and evolve -
> Natural Succession is a basic premise of PC for me - lets try doing in
> our organisation as well as our gardens!!
> Skye
> --
> Skye - Apdo # 391,  Patzcuaro, Michoacan, CP. 61600 México.
> fax  (52) 01 (434) 24743
> Profesor y diseñador en Permacultura
> Director del Instituto de Permacultura de México A.C.
> Talleres de desarrollo humano, planeación participativa y
> economía comunitaria.
> ---
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