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Re: [permaculture] weeds? (Star thistle)


i'm not sure from your message if you were thinking of
introducing star thistle to your site or if you
already have it.
if you don't already have it, Don't Plant Star
controlling it is a nightmare and eradication seems
near impossible.  (plus, your neighbors will hate
i don't know the next plant in the succesional line; 
here in california, it just grows and grows and grows.
 since attempts are made to control it, it never gets
a chance to finish its work--however long that maybe.

i wonder if there is information anywhere regarding
the end result of any non-native 'weeds' allowed to
run their course.  that would be a dream for me!

my sometimes square, mainstream ecologist friend
insists that, since star thistle is an introduced
species to this system (and seems to create a mono
culture if allowed), there is no benefit to it nor any
succession.  my intuition and faith in the workings
says this is wrong (not just for this 'weed').  i can
only hope...

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