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Re: [permaculture] weeds?

Stephan wrote:
> i have a weed problem. > i just hate to pull it. 
> it seems so crucial to the development (and recovery)
> of the soil, to getting the nutrient cycle going.  
> i have a high regard for 'weeds'.  one of my fantasies
> is to be able to see the natural plant succession
> evolve given no pulling, spraying, or cultivating of
> these pioneer species.  the problem of course is our
> limited life span.  how long would it take for the
> 'native' species to re-establish?  or would nature
> find peace with a mono crop of weeds?
> is my thinking totally miss-guided? am i still just
> too much of an idealist? does anyone have ideas on
> this?  

I hear you.  I have similar idealistic inclinations : )  This is why I am
attracted to Fukuoka's Natural Farming.  I have been watching our property
recover from many years from disking as an unirrigated apple orchard.  Each
year the proportions of different "weeds" seems to change, but of course I
can not tell from such a short prespective whether or not this is climate,
or succession, or something else.  The animals are helping to plant shrubs
and trees, as well as other grass and herbacious plants.  I am ready to
start introducing some of my own choices.  Some that I have already tried
do well, others do not.  Lots to learn.  And yes, the limitations of a
single life time are frustrating.  I'd like to be able, some day, to adopt
a longer view of things but there's nothing wrong with doing what I can
while I'm here - what else can I do?  It would be nice if people made food
forests a few generations ago.  But as it is, we'll have to be the ones, so
that people can look back and be glad someone did.

Sorry, I have no practical advise for star thistle, but you've got my moral
support for the approach you're trying.  Let us know what you find out.
