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Re: Does Permaculture have to be so expensive???

Hello Uwe,

Good day to you.

<<how are things going with your new farm?>>  great ...just wish I were down 
there full time. It really energizes me, and I want to throw myself into the 
"Doing". So much to do though. he he. I may have just bought some cattle 
...to help keep the grass down and hopefully ,make a few bucks. I belive a 
mix of animals is important to the type of farm I hope to have.

<<If I recall correctly, you unsubscribed from aquaponics...>> Yup...but 
eventually I'll try it.

Have you perhaps read Louis Bromfield's Malabar Farm...great book and one of 
my inspirations.

Right now I'm trying to get a house designed and built. No easy 
task...especially since I'm trying to use systems that offer long term energy 
savings, and efficiencies...passive solar, daylighting, heat exchangers, 
SIPS, insulated concrete etc etc.

It's taking much longer than "wished". he he

Funny....I have spent years thinking, dreaming, designing such a home in my 
head..but real world costs may put a real crimp in some of my "program".

I've read a lot about alternative building...strawbale. cob, adobe...but I am 
just not convinced I can do it on a timely basis, or in as expert a manner as 
needed...especially in humid south east. Besides can't afford to be a guinea 
pig and later run into problems.

How do you like Chihuahua? Been there long?

Got to go!  Bye...  Frank

<<Anyway, sometimes I have the feeling that permaculture is some kind of 
multilevel marketing
ystem.>> LOL!   I know what tou mean:)

But the difference is that most of the practioners are really sincere , 
dedicated folk who can really help make a difference. Too bad there's not 
some subsidized institute that could spread the gospel without the fees and 
costs. Many of the people who seem to adopt the systems are back to the 
landers on low budgets(BG).