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Sustainable Environments - The Ecology of People and the Land (fwd)

http://metalab.unc.edu/london   InterGarden   
london@metalab.unc.edu   lflondon@worldnet.att.net

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 16:59:40
From: Hortic Dept <Hortic@otleycollege.ac.uk>
To: london@metalab.unc.edu
Subject: Sustainable Environments - The Ecology of People and the Land

Dear Permaculture Folks,

This is in the hope that you may be able to let your membership know about
a course we are running. We have designed a Higher National Certificate
course called "Sustainable Environments - The Ecology of People and the
Land" which has been running one academic year, and is proving to be an
exiting experience of exploring our relationship with the land in many
different ways, through Social Action; Science; Creativity; Mythology;
Alternative Technology; Sustainable Food Production; etc..

As course manager I am always interested in recommendations of lecturers on
themes relating to sustainability, community and the environment, so any
suggestions would be most welcome.

Meanwhile I am enclosing some attachments with this email one of which is
the course outline for next year with some interesting speakers, and then
one short article about the course, and one students' article about her
experience. This is in the hope that you might be able to put it on your
website or newsletter

We are also currently designing a permaculture course with Andy Langford
which should start in September this year. Further details when available.

Warm regards,

Mark O'Connell - HNC Course Manager and Tutor