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Re: [Does Permaculture have to be so expensiv

there are permaculture meetings all around me but they cost money and money
is what I don't have.  I have missed a lot of good stuff because it cost so
much.   I could have seen bill himself right up the street but it was to
costly and as a small farmer money is not my strong point.  .  I guess
that's what it is all about you pay and then you get to suck money out of
other people when they pay you. you see people make money because they know
something you don't and can charge you for teaching you. It pays to keep you
in the dark.   Just like the rest of commerce  I feel if you have a kindness
shown pass it on.  it was not given to you alone pass it on.  let it wonder
through the years let it wipe anothers tears untill on earth the deed
appears pass it on.  I was born naked and every thing I know came from
someone else.  what I do is glean what I can, picking up a little here and a
little there.  if you don't have the money take a pass and go on .  I learn
a lot just in these listservers.  you need to be next to the fountain to get
wet.  take heart all the poor people feel the pain of not being able to
afford it.  they just do without or do the best they can.  stuff is out
there free.  check out books read listservers go to homepages do searches
etc.  you may have to work a little harder but there is a lot out there and
no one has all the pices of the puzzle.

check out a organic growers web page
----- Original Message -----
From: Thilo Pfennig <vinci@alternativ.net>
To: permaculture <permaculture@franklin.oit.unc.edu>
Sent: Monday, May 10, 1999 4:09 PM
Subject: [permaculture] Re: [Does Permaculture have to be so expensiv

> On 10-May-99 Judy Spradley wrote:
> > I believe the expense comes from people wanting to subsidize their farms
> > being paid for their knowledge.
> You may be right. My idea of making it right is that I would love to run a
> (if I had one), that could easily be copied and has nothing additional on
> economic part. So people could not say, that permaculture only works if
you are
> giving permaculture-lessons or showing your gardens for money.
> So 'nothing special'... :-)
> Bye,
> Vinci,
> Germany
> --
> Thilo Pfennig
> <http://Alternativ.Net/>
> ---
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