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Fw: Stop the Sale of NYC's Community Gardens!

From: Email Army <gardens@cybergal.com>
To: The Mighty Email Army <gardens@cybergal.com>
Subject: Stop the Sale of NYC's Community Gardens!
Date: Wednesday, March 31, 1999 12:53 AM


To the Email Army        From gardens@cybergal.com       3/31/99

It's official.  The auction catalog is out: New York City plans to sell
114 community gardens to real-estate speculators at a two-day auction
May 13-14.  Over the last 4 months there has been enormous public
outcry against this senseless and mean-spirited sale -- but the
administration of Rudy Giuliani wouldn't listen. 

We are now asking every supporter of community gardens to MAKE A
PROTEST CALL to Deputy Mayor Joseph Lhota at 212-788-3137.  

Leave a message expressing your shock and outrage -- demand that EVERY
GARDEN BE REMOVED FROM THE AUCTION.  Be polite but firm (and help us
send flowers to the sure-to-be-harried receptionists by emailing your
pledge to jaynedoe@panix.com).

Also, start spreading the word about two garden protests/celebrations next
weekend, April 10-11:

   Standing Our Ground
      WHAT:  a massive rally for Community Gardens.
      WHEN:  Sat., April 10, 11-3.
      WHERE: Bryant Park, 42nd at 6th Ave, Manhattan.

   Reclaim the Streets (The Garden Party)
      WHAT:  a street celebration in support of Community Gardens.
      WHEN:  Sun., April 11, 1:30 PM sharp!
      WHERE: El Jardin del Paraiso, E. 5th Str. between Ave. C & D.

For more on the fight to save community gardens, visit 
If you're not already receiving regular garden alerts, write to
gardens@cybergal.com, asking to join the Email Army.  

To learn about upcoming actions against police brutality, write to

For a comprehensive weekly calendar of left events in the overlapping
worlds of art and politics, write to pbaqc@cunyvm.cuny.edu

Jayne Doe (A.K.A. David and Leslie)

The Mighty Email Army is a Direct Action-Oriented List in Defense Of
Community Gardens And Other Public Spaces, Sponsored By The Lower East
Side Collective (212-774-4192; http://www.lescollective.org).
To Join, Write To Gardens@Cybergal.Com; Feedback Always Welcomed.

community_garden maillist  -  community_garden@mallorn.com