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RE: Monsanto Terminating Again - veracity


> -----Original Message-----
> From:	eric + michiko [SMTP:emstorm@metro.net]
	>What I found is that this e-mail is circulating around quite a
bit, and has
	>no foundation in truth or science.

	It has been around indeed, and is poorly put together as far as
writing and references go - but as to "no foundation," it's perhaps not
that simple.  The books mentioned in the message do exist, written by
the authors cited, and they are doctors, etc. etc..  Blaylock's book can
be found on amazon.com, along with quite a few reader reviews both pro
and con.  And it seems Monsanto would have the most to lose, unless
these docs are just publicity-hungry hacks...?  And so on and so on.

	"Information dissemination" amongst us humans is most often a
complex system that requires prolonged and thoughtful observation... ;-)
There are as many "truths" as there are observers.

	John Schinnerer