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Re: Prairie bioregion permaculture gathering?

In a message dated 99-01-21 10:36:19 EST, you write:

<< Hearing from other not too far off permaculturalists makes me wonder if
we're nearly ready for a regional gathering, to exchange ideas, support one
another and bring in new folks? Perhaps include bioregionalism and
permaculture, and other related movements?
 If it resonates with anyone, I'd be interested!
 Jeff Hall, Ames Iowa >>
I feel that my need right now is to get something going locally (in Oklahoma
City).  I am very much in agreement with writings of people like David Korten,
calling for more locally organized economics.  Definitely a regional get
together would also be terrific.  Some day maybe we could have a directory of
permaculture sites, and visit each other when we travelled places.  I know
that there is more going on in Texas, and also in Missouri than here in OK.  I
am excited by your interest Jeff.

Also,  does anyone know of a seed exchange group here in Oklahoma.  I know of
one in Texas, and if there is nothing here in OK, that is another project.
