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Re: Sustainable Building Materials Audit

Excellent information references there, Fiona and Russ. 

I would add another to the list - involves a subscription and is not 
cheap (about Aust$85 per year for non-profit organisations) - but full 
of good ideas. This is the Environmental Design Guide produced quarterly 
by RAIA, the Royal Australian Institute of Architects. It is also 
available on CDROM. 

A good one for libraries to subscribe to. Check out the RAIA web site at 
www.raia.com.au for further details.

Cheers, Paul

>Date: Fri, 15 Jan 1999 11:32:55 +1200
>From: Fiona Campbell + Russ Grayson <pacedge@magna.com.au>
>Reply-To: "permaculture" <permaculture@franklin.oit.unc.edu>
>To: "permaculture" <permaculture@franklin.oit.unc.edu>
>Subject: [permaculture] Re: Sustainable Building Materials Audit
>Here in Australia we have a number of publicly-accessible sustainable 
>lding project
>demonstration buildings.  The history of such initiatives dates abck to 
>he mid-1970s
>with Sydney University architecture students consstructing their 
>ous house'
>from recycled materials.
>Regarding thr performance, embodied energy and environmental/ health 
>cts of
>building materials, there are two Australian books which may be useful:
>1)  Sustainable House; Mobbs M, 1998; Choise Books, Sydney. ISBN 0 
> 48X.
>This describes Michael Mobb's research and retrofitting of an inner 
> Sydney
>terrace house for resource (energy, water, materials) efficiency.
>2) Building Materials and the environment; Lawson  B  (Solarch - School 
>Architecture, University New South Wales) 1996; Royal Australian 
>e of
>Architects (2a Mugga Way, Red Hill, ACT 2603, Australia).
>Research on embodied energy in building materials (reviewed in Green 
>ections, the
>Australian permaculture magazine, last year.
>...Russ Grayson
>gardenbetty@earthlink.net wrote:
>> This summer I am hoping to start a sustainable building demonstration 
>> (my new house!) and wish to use the MOST 
>> materials available. In addition to using these materials, I want to 
>> literature comparing these materials to conventional and other types 
>> alternative materials.
>> Well, there are a lot of materials that go into a house and I am 
> to
>> find research and data comparing the TOTAL economic benefit of 
>> building materials. For example: how does fiberglass insulation 
> to
>> cellulose, cotton, straw, etc. for price, environmental impact, 
health =
>> labor impact, insulation quality, recyclability, etc...
>> I am hoping to find this info for roofing materials, wall materials 
>> and exterior), windows, doors, insulation, flooring, etc.
>> Haven't had a lot of luck so far, just hard to read studies on the 
>> run-off quality from asphalt shingling versus metal roofing, etc. Any
>> anecdotes, assistance or pointers would be greatly appreciated.
>> --
>> dawn
>> aka gardenbetty
>> We will be known by the tracks we leave behind... =97Dakota proverb
>> ---
>> You are currently subscribed to permaculture as: pacedge@magna.com.au
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>Russ Grayson and Fiona Campbell
>PO Box 446, Kogarah NSW 2217 AUSTRALIA
>Phone   02-9588 6931    (IDD-61+2+9588 6931)
>Email: pacedge@magna.com.au
>Permaculture education, publishing, design.
>NSW contact, Australian City Farms and Community Gardens Network.
>APACE Kastom Garden Program, (village agriculture), South Pacific.
>PaD (Permaculture and Development) Project .
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