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Birding by Ear Software

I've been using AviSong (aka AviSys Song), by the developer of AviSys, the
listing software, for years, and can recommend it without reservation. (Have
never used Thayer's, so can't compare.) Here's a link for AviSong:
www.avisys.net/song.htm . The link explains the features better than I can,
of course, but here are the highlights as I see them:
This software utilizes any of 5 different sets of birdsong CDs, including
both Peterson's East and West, and National Geographic. It's a lot easier
for me to access a specific birdsong with this program than by searching for
the correct track with Windows Media Player. But the real beauty of it is
that you can put together groups of birds you're working on, e.g., birds
whose songs are similar to that of Chipping Sparrows, or winter birds in
your area, or woodpeckers, and you can access any of these groups whenever
you want to--AviSong remembers them.
The quiz feature is excellent, and really helps you learn birdsongs
AviSong is very easy to use and I've never had problems with it, but FYI the
developer has always been great about helping me with questions re. the
listing software (most of them due to my questionable computer-literacy), so
I assume that he would offer excellent tech support for AviSong if it were

Charlotte Goedsche
Weaverville NC