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Geese Flights in N. Durham


This morning about 10AM I followed a flock of 70-80 geese in flight heading north above 501 from Durham to Quail Roost. The flight pattern was very erratic and reminded me of Snow Geese. I opened my window hoping to hear them as I was in traffic. I finally pasted them (they were flying pretty fast) and they turned west and I lost them. If I`d been out at the coast I`d have called these Snow Geese, but around here I guess I need a better look as the lighting was very poor and they all looked dark.

I have been seeing lots of larger than normal flights of Canada Geese in the area and know the flight quite well and these didn`t fit in. The flight was very labored and erratic with long zaggy trails of birds always shifting in the wind. A Vee pattern formed only once only to break into more ziggy trails of geese.

Don`t you hate it.....

Randy Emmitt
Rougemont, NC

Randy Emmitt Photography
Carolina Butterfly Society webmaster