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Digital camera binos

Hi gang.
I got an interesting present for Christmas, a digital camera binocular. It
has decent optics (not the best in the world, certainly not at that price),
and a fascinating digital camera slung beneath. The camera is a set for 40
feet to infinity, and takes fairly decent photos - just fine for me to
glimpse a bird and "shoot" it without having to keep it in the bins.
You know how a bird will allow you one glimpse and then disappear? Well,
this will allow me to snap it before the fateful moment of disappearance.
Wish I had had them when I saw a possible Blue Grosbeak near Spindale summer
before last - would'a had a life bird. Well, maybe. Coulda been an Indigo,
but the behavior was right...
I took it out a few days ago and got a nice pic of a pair of Mallards at the
Beaver Lake settling pond. The pic was nice - I printed it and took it to my
parents, and they want to frame it, even though the drake had his head
turned - there was a hen nearby; don't blame him at all. There has even been
a write up on Lockergnome.com. Here is the link.
Darn things are affordable, too...
Alex Netherton
The Appalachian Naturalist
Asheville, NC