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Audubon NC and Wake Audubon events


Well, it was on my list of things to do today, but Josh beat me to the
punch in announcing the Audubon North Carolina (ANC) Annual Meeting
March 28-29!! EVERYONE is invited as Wake Audubon hosts the meeting at
the Museum of Natural Sciences in Raleigh, NC. Each year a NC Audubon
chapter will host the meeting. The format has been changed from previous
years to include field trips to local sites and to increase time for

The meeting begins Friday evening with registration and a dessert social
at the museum. John Gerwin's band, Cafe Chameleons, will provide music.
There are 15 field trips to choose from on Saturday. Sites we'll be
visiting are familiar to Carolinabirds birders since they are mentioned
often. There are birding, wildflower, ecology, and museum trips to
choose from. Field trips and pre-registration forms are in the December
Audubon North Carolina newsletter, or you can also find it online at the
ANC site: www.ncaudubon.org or Wake Audubon's site:
www.mybirdlist.com/wakeaudubon.html. NC Audubon chapters are also
publizing the event. Two clarifications are needed: The $10 covers the
whole day of field trips and yes, there are vegetarian choices for the
buffet dinner Saturday night.

Who among us have met Roger Tory Peterson? I never had the privilege, so
when thinking of a speaker for Saturday night, we asked Jim Berry,
president of the Roger Tory Peterson Institute of Natural History in
Jamestown, New York, to be our featured speaker. His program will be
"The Impact of Roger Tory Peterson on the Environmental Movement of the
Twentieth Century and His Lasting Legacy."

Sure hope you can join us!! If you have questions, contact me at

Now for Wake Audubon's February events!!

Please join us on Tuesday, February 11, to hear North Carolina
horticulturalist and birder John Dole describe the Oklahoma prairie
project with which he was involved. His talk is entitled "Prairie Birds
and Restoration." The meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the A-level
conference room of the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences in

February 1: Bagels and Birdwalk on the Buckeye. We meet on the first
Saturday of each month at 8:30 a.m. at the Greenway parking area on
Crabtree Boulevard, between Capital Boulevard and Raleigh Boulevard.
Contact Rob (233-4459).

February 15: Anderson Point Avian Adventures. Meet at 8:30 a.m. in the
parking lot at Anderson Point Park on the third Saturday of each month.
Highway 64 E from the Beltline two miles. Turn right on Rogers Lane; the
parking lot is at the end of the street. Contact Melody (881-2601).

February 15: Woodcock Watch. It's Valentine's weekend and American
Woodcock will be making their courtship flights. Wake Audubon's John
Connors will lead this special yearly event. Contact John (733-7450 x

February 20: Book Signing with Rob Jackson (Will Cook's boss!). Join us
at Quail Ridge Bookstore in the Ridgewood Shopping Center on Wade Avenue
at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, February 20 to hear Rob Jackson discuss his
book "The Earth Remains Forever." Wake Audubon and the Sierra Club are
sponsoring this event, (828-1588).