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Henderson County, NC birds

I had to go to a meeting this morning at Mills River, so had a little time to 
knock around first.  It was a very pleasant morning with the first sunshine 
I've seen in a while.  Stopped by the Mills River water treatment plant and 
saw a couple of Snow Geese (one white, one blue-phase) mixed in with some 
Canadas.  Then stopped by the VanWingerden field to check for the N. 
Sharp-tailed Sparrow.  A few folks from the Greenville, SC bird club were 
there and they said they all saw the bird.  It was sitting up in the usual 
bush.  Early morning sun is a good time to see it as the sparrows seem to like 
to bask in the sun a little early in the morning.  Then went up to my meeting 
and ran across a flock of about 70 Wild Turkeys in a large field about a 
stones throw from North Mills River Rd about 1/2 mile before you get into the 
forest.  Quite a pleasant morning all-in-all.  I even saw a herd of about 10 
or 12 deer coming out of the forest and walking down to the river as I was 
sitting in the meeting and happened to look out the window.

Marilyn Westphal
Environmental Quality Institute
University of North Carolina-Asheville
One University Heights
Asheville, NC  28804