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Cinnamon Teal, Fulvous W-D in Wayne Co NC

        Just got a call from Eric. He and Brian Pendergraft went to the
Waste Treatment Plant (Goldsboro NC) to see the Fulvous Whistling-Duck that
Josh Rose found yesterday. As a bonus they found a beautiful male Cinnamon
Teal! The teal is located on the office side in the big pond behind the
office. If you try for these birds PLEASE remember to sign in at the office.
No report yet on the vermilion. Several people are looking for him this
morning. Will update as soon as he is spotted.

Directions to WTP:
Take 117 & 13 South around Goldsboro. Hwy 581 will join these at the Cherry
Hospital exit. Continue with 117,13,581 until 581 turns left at a traffic
light. This will also be Arrington Bridge Rd. Continue on 581 (ABR) until it
crosses the Neuse River. Just beyond the river turn right into the gate of
the WTP. Sign in at the office (small red brick bldg towards the back) and
begin scoping! Good luck.

Eric & Celia Dean
112 Armstrong Dr
Goldsboro NC  27530