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2nd call for barred/barn owl nest sites in Charlotte area

Since the first request was productive months ago, I thought it would be a
good idea to remind folks of the interest in barred and barn owl nest site
locations that will hopefully provide data on nesting success and dispersal.
My thesis project will involve the collection and assessment of nesting data
on barred owls in the Charlotte area (50-mile radius).  We have placed a
number of nest boxes in areas known to contain barred owls and are currently
looking for prospective sites.  We strongly prefer that individuals wanting
a box pay for the cost of materials ($50.00 for a small barred owl box; $100
for a larger barn owl box).  If folks volunteering information on the
location of a nest site prefer that knowledge of the site not be publicly
known, this will be honored.  My campus phone number is 704-687-5398.

Eric Harrold