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Samworth WMA on 12-13

Hi Carolinabirders,
	Today, Chris Hill, Gary Phillips, myself and Chris' student assistant at
CCU, toured Samworth WMA in Georgetown County, SC.  About 53 species were
seen all told with one very good bird.

White Ibis-1
Wood Duck-4
Black Vulture-6
Turkey Vulture-12
Sharp-shinned Hawk-1
Red-shouldered Hawk-2
Am. Kestrel-1
N. Bobwhite-a covey of about 20 birds
Virginia Rail-3 heard only
Killdeer-1 heard only
Common Snipe-1 heard only
Mourning Dove-12
Red-bellied Woodpecker-4
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker-1
Downy Woodpecker-1
E. Phoebe-3
Blue Jay-3
Am Crow-1
Carolina Chickadee-7
Tufted Titmouse-1
White-breasted Nuthatch-1 or 2 heard only
Brown-headed Nuthatch-3
Carolina Wren-3
House Wren-4
Golden-crowned Kinglet-2
Ruby-crowned Kinglet-3
Am. Robin-20+
Gray Catbird-1
N. Mockingbird-2
Brown Thrasher-1
Eur. Starling-30
Blue-headed Vireo-1
Orange-crowned Warbler-1
Yellow-rumped Warbler-30
Pine Warbler-2
N. Cardinal-15
E. Towhee-4
Chipping Sparrow-75
Field Sparrow-4
Savannah Sparrow-8
GRASSHOPPER SPARROW-1 Seen in a totally frontal view. This bird was seen
perched at eye level for almost a minute.  Smallish sparrow, short tail
with plain gray/white unstreaked underparts with a distinct buffy wash
across breast. Face hard to see with frontal view but it appeared to have a
gray/white supercilium and gray and brown in the side of the face with a
dark brown crown.  Chris, Gary and I agree that the bird was an Ammodramus
sparrow but because of the lack of ochre in the face and on the breast I
believe the bird was a Grasshopper Sparrow as oppossed to a LeConte's.
Chris and Gary were more distant from the bird than I was and Chris is only
willing to call an Ammodramus sp. The bird was in a year old clear cut
grown to tall waist high grass with patches of lower vegitation and bare
ground.  I briefly saw the back of the bird when it flew about 12 ft away
into the grass and the back seemed to dark to be a LeConte's. Any comments?
Fox Sparrow-5 out on the dike
Song Sparrow-50+
Swammp Sparrow-50+
White-throated Sparrow-30+
White-crowned Sparrow-2
Dark-eyed Junco-1
Red-winged Blackbird-75
E. Meadowlark-1
Common Grackle-50+
Brown-headed Cowbird-3 two males and a female
House Finch-?
Am. Goldfinch-15

The clear cut is huge running from the Planterville Loop Road to the
Samworth Loop road on both sides.  There are undoubtedly tons of sparrows
in these weedy clear cuts.   
Good birding, Good Company.

Jack Peachey
Conway, SC