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Roanoke Island Vireo

	OOPS! The Red-eyed Vireo I reported on 12/12 turned out to be a Warbling
Vireo. My incorrect I.D. was primarily based upon the assumption that the
most likely vireo in mid-dec with  no wing bars, an eye line, and white
underneath (no yellow at all) would be a Red-eye. But my (spare) optics that
day (that I keep in the greenhouse) were terrible and I misjudged the face.
My mistake! Anyway, I have seen it every day since, except sunday (I didn't
look) and it is definitely a Warbling! This has also been confirmed by three
other birders now and the bird made our CBC on saturday!! A description will
follow. The N.Parula Warbler and Black-and-White Warbler are still around,
	Jeff Lewis
	Manteo, NC