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Southern Lake Norman Dec. 17 CBC

Conditions for finding and counting birds were by far the worst in the 
history of this 8 year-old count. Almost constant 15-23 mph winds with 
frequent gusts to 30, plus low wind chills and sleet showers made for the 
lowest species total ever. I suspect total individuals will be very low also. 
Twenty observers were able to tally 91 species; the best being a CLAY-COLORED 
SPARROW and a LESSER YELLOWLEGS. No purple finches , pine siskins, or 
red-breasted nuthatches were reported. Wood ducks eluded us all day also. We 
also learned that LeConte's sparrows do not flush at all in the wind. At 
least 4 birds have been present at Cowan's Ford Refuge but could not be 
glimpsed on count day. They were right there in their usual spot today !!!

Taylor Piephoff
Charlotte, NC