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Baltimore Orioles etc

	About 8:30 when I left Lois off for therapy I looked up in a barren oak
tree and saw some birds that did not behave as usual.  After a couple
minutes wait they turned out to be orioles, one male, two females.  The
sun was low and brilliant.
	A couple of weeks ago there was a Cooper's Hawk calling from the
outskirts of Loris, NE side.  Our dentist who has a bird feeding station
just outside his patient  windows declared to me that a Coopers Hawk had
been landing either on the wall or near the station for about 10 days. 
Of course all the song birds have gone.  Through the years he has had
several hawks visit the station and actually catch birds in the bushes. 
After Peregine falcons were introduced in the east one visited his feeder
in full view and captured a bird.
	A pair of Kildeer in each of two school yard have been flying and
calling their territory.  A Fox sparrow visited here and our neighbor a
mile away reported one.

Ernest Snavely & Lois,       Loris, SC 29569      843 756  4824