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migrating south

Hi C-birders,

In a few moments, I will unsubscribe and drive south for about 10 days in 
Florida! But today I received a nice send-off as I glanced through the 
scope at what I thought was a Bufflehead, to instead discover a Lesser 
Scaup. A nice state bird send-off from Lake Murray...

Spent Saturday on the York/Rock Hill CBC. I've gotta say, Bill Hilton 
runs about the most tightly organized and efficient count I've ever seen. 
Had a great time despite sleep deprivation and eating Burger King for 2 
1/2 meals (the BK was conveniently places dead center in the count 
circle). High points included an amazingly photogenic Vesper Sparrow 
(sorry Frank, hope you're seeing them in Texas now!), a pair of Harriers 
coursing over a cotton field, about 400 American Pipits in a freshly 
plowed field, and a predawn silouette of a Great Horned Owl by the pond 
on the Winthrop (I think) University golf course. Other counters had many 
more highlights, but I won't spoil Bill's thunder on those...

Good birding, and happy holidays!


Joshua S. Rose
Duke University
Department of Biology (Zoology, R.I.P.)
