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I did not realize that this list was a forum for the ill informed to flame
people who are following a time honored and *LEGAL* hobby such as Falconry.
Thanks to these demons, I was able to see a Peregrine Falcon in its ayrie
(SP?)(nest) this past summer, right here in the mountains of Western NC.
Were it not for these horrible people, Peregrine Falcons would not have been
nesting on Devil's Courthouse in the summer of 2000.
Nuff said.
Birding awful slow here, but an occasional goodie. Lake Junaluska had a
Great Blue Heron last Friday, and a few days before that, I had a female
Ring Necked Duck come out of the water, and come up on shore for corn! She
was no more than 6 feet away from me. I did not know any diving duck would
eat corn.
I have had a feeder out since Christmas, but no takers. It is a Super
Stop-a-Squirrel (if that's possible) and I don't think they like it. Hoping
for visitors.....
Alex Netherton
Asheville NC