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Woodcock and a use for Bradford Pears

The warm weather seems to have prompted the return of the neighborhood woodcock.
As I was washing the splattered pear-tree fruit off Tracy's car last evening I
heard the familiar "peent" of a woodcock behind the house.  Quickly hosing off
the car, I proceeded to the marshy area behind the house and was treated to
flight displays, fly-bys, and a bird feeding in the open about 10 yards away.
Sounds like my concern over the birds was unfounded, they are alive, well, and
displaying after a brief period of reclusiveness.

Speaking of the pear tree, as I was cursing the fact that the tree overhangs the
driveway, I considered that Bradford Pears must have little wildlife value
despite the profusion of fruit.  I was taught a lesson this morning upon leaving
the house, a flock of Cedar Waxwings alighted in the tree and began to devour
fruit.  I guess I'm happy to trade a messy car for the privilege of seeing the
handsome waxwings.  We had noted waxwings in this tree before, but thought they
were just passing through.

Steve Shultz
Cary, NC

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