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CBC Winter Meeting--Special Field Trip for Brewer's Blackbirds

Yesterday, I was able to arrange a special field trip on Friday afternoon of
the winter meeting.  The trip will be into Open Grounds Farm to search for
Brewer's Blackbirds.  Sorry, there can be only the one trip--the farm is
closed on weekends.

Yesterday, Jack Fennell and I spent 2 hours in the farm, and we saw 7
Brewer's Blackbirds (3 males, 4 females) (with cowbirds).  Other birds of
interest were a Peregrine Falcon and greats looks at a Water Pipit just
outside the vehicle.  We saw good numbers of other raptors, but they were
all common species--no Rough-legged Hawk etc.

I did not expect to see any Brewer's Blackbirds, because there are no longer
any livestock at the farm.  The birds were in the vicinity of the grain

The field trip will meet at 1pm and be back about 5pm.
Sorry, the trip will be limited to about 15 people.  It would be very
desirable if we could find about 3 four-wheel-drive vehicles, especially
ones that can carry several passengers.

To sign up for the trip and for information, please contact John Fussell at
the e-mail address.  When you contact me, please let me know the number of
people and if you have a four-wheel-drive and whether you are dropping out
of another trip in order to sign up for this trip.

I should add that there is no guarantee that we will see the Brewer's.  The
farm is about 30,000 acres in extent, so if they're not near the silos, they
could be very hard to find (understatement!).

                                       John Fussell
                                       Morehead City, NC