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Beaver Lake Refuge

A good birding day, for this beginner, at Beaver Lake Sanctuary. 
Thanks to John who help ID a couple of these. Hope he got to see the 
Brown-Headed Nuthatch after I left him!

On 1/31/01
Winds 0-10, stronger when near the lake. Sunny, 50's F

American Crow
Song Sparrow
Carolina Chickadee
Mourning Dove
Red Tailed Hawk- started being mobbed by one A. Crow, who drew a 
half-dozen or more to the party.
6 Wood Ducks  ( a lifer for me- It's fun being a beginner- lotsa 
lifers out there!)
10 Pied-billed grebes
White-throated Sparrow
House (?) wren
Red-bellied woodpecker
Brown-headed nuthatch
Tufted titmouse
Cedar Waxwings
Yellow-bellied sapsucker
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Miscellaneous unidentified lbb's (little brown birds- the downside of 
being a beginner- all those lifers you can't yet ID)


Russ Palmeri
Asheville, NC