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Common Murre at Cape Hatteras Point

The Common Murre seen at Cape Hatteras Point was present Friday afternoon 
(late) , Saturday morning, and late Saturday afternoon.   Brian Patteson's 
pelagic trip on the Miss Hatteras was able to get good looks at this bird on 
its return by the Point in the afternoon.  

John Dole of Garner first spotted this remarkable bird, and many observers 
were able to find it again. Unfortunately, it was not relocated at the Point 
today, at least as of noon.  Birders were still looking for it---perhaps it 
turned up later. 

Tricia took some photos of this bird, that I will make available as soon as 
possible.  Others may have taken photos on Saturday---hopefully we will hear 
from them soon. 

Other interesting birds reported at the Point over the weekend were 
Razorbill, Black-headed Gull, California Gull, Little Gull, and Eared Grebe. 

Russ Tyndall 
Wake Forest, NC