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Bill Moyers special on Pesticides

  This should be of intrest to a lot of us.  Van Atkins

>X-AWOD-ADDRESSED-TO: <vatkins@awod.com> and 0 others
>Fellow Audubonners -
>For your information from PBS and our Pesticide group -
>On Monday night, March 26th, your local public television station will air a
>groundbreaking investigative report on the chemical industry.
>In TRADE SECRETS: A MOYERS REPORT, correspondent Bill Moyers and producer
>Sherry Jones uncover how our health and safety have been put at risk and why
>powerful forces don't want the truth to be known. This investigative report,
>accompanied by a PBS.org Web site, is based  on a massive archive of secret
>industry documents as shocking as the  "tobacco papers."
>TRADE SECRETS provides everyone working on toxic chemicals and environmental
>health issues a tremendous education and outreach opportunity. To help
>maximize that opportunity, the Environmental Health Fund, the Environmental
>Working Group, the Center for Health, Environment and Justice and Women's
>Voices For the Earth.are launching Coming Clean, a project aimed at cleaning
>up the chemical industry's contamination of our food, our bodies and our
>Coming Clean is working with groups across the country to organize local
>TRADE SECRETS viewing events.  For more information about how you can
>organize a viewing event in your community, please contact Ann Long at
>annlong@shentel.net, Charlotte Brody at cbrody@chej.org, Bryony Schwan at
>swan@wildrockies.org or Monica Rohde at mrohde@chej.org.